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Want to drive traffic? Try the Google Free way.

Copy. Paste. Search.

Google Free web search

Google Free web search is as easy to implement as a simple copy and paste. Just highlight the code in the box below, right-click to copy it, then paste it into the HTML on your own site.

Note: If your page is not encoded as UTF-8, you should change the value of both fields to match your page's encoding.

Voila! You now have your own fully functional Google web search box that should look like this:


But, is it safe?

Google Free SafeSearch

With Google Free SafeSearch, sites and web pages containing adult themed and explicit sexual content are excluded from web search results. To offer Google Free SafeSearch, copy and paste this code into your web page's HTML.

Note: If your page is not encoded as UTF-8, you should change the value of both fields to match your page's encoding.

Here is what it will look like on your site:


What could be better? Search me.
Google Free web search with site search

If you want visitors to find things easily within your web pages, add Google Free site search as well as web search. Just copy and paste the boxed code into your site, then replace the words "YOUR DOMAIN NAME," which appears three times in the code, with your own website's actual domain name (e.g.,

Note: If your page is not encoded as UTF-8, you should change the value of both fields to match your page's encoding.

Here is what it will look like on your site:


More Google Free stuff

What could be better than a free service for your site? A free upgrade to your free service.

  • Customize your search results to look more like your site
  • Include your logo on results pages

It takes a couple more steps, but it's easy to do with Google's customizable Google Free web and site search services.

Questions? Our FAQ explains all.

Google WebSearch plus AdSense for search
Add Google WebSearch to your site and monetize search results pages with relevant advertising delivered with Google AdSense technology. There's no cost to participate, and when your users click on these ads, Google pays you. Learn more.

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